
300 castles of the Loire Valley are listed! Young and old alike will take you on a journey from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance.

Lovers of parks and gardens will be served!
We keep our personal tourist office up to date and will be happy to guide you in your programme of visits.

The main castles

  • The castle of Villandry and its French gardens
  • The castle of Rigny Ussé, known as the castle of Sleeping Beauty
  • The castle of Azay-le-Rideau
  • The castle of Islette (frequented by Rodin and Camille Claudel)
  • The castle of Rivau and its gardens
  • The castle of Chenonceau
  • The royal fortress of Chinon
  • The royal castle of Amboise
  • Château Gaillard, in Amboise
  • The royal castle of Blois
  • The castle of Chambord
  • The castle of Valençay
  • The castle of Montpoupon
  • The dungeon of the royal city of Loches
  • The castle of Langeais
  • The castle of Cheverny (exhibition the secrets of Moulinsart)
  • The Plessis-lès-Tours castle (residence of Louis XI)
  • La Chatonnière and its gardens
  • The castle of Candé
  • The castle of Chaumont and its international garden festival
  • The castle of Brézé
  • The castle of Saumur and the famous Cadre Noir
Clos Lucé to Amboise, near La Grange Dîmière, charming BnB in the Loire Valley

Writers' houses and other historical sites

  • The Priory St Cosme (last residence of Ronsard)
  • The castle of Saché (Balzac museum)
  • La Devinière (Rabelais museum)
  • Le Clos Lucé, in Amboise (home of Leonardo da Vinci)
  • La Grange de Meslay (classical music festival)
  • Fontevraud Abbey
  • Saint Martin's Basilica, the Charlemagne Tower, the Cathedral and the Castle of Tours
  • Le Grand-Pressigny (Prehistory Museum)
  • La Collégiale Saint-Martin, in Candes-St-Martin, one of the most beautiful villages in France
Beauval zoo, near La Grange Dîmière, charming BnB in the Loire Valley

For all ages...

  • Beauval Zoo
  • The Biopark of Doué la Fontaine
  • The Touraine Aquarium
  • The Futuroscope Park, in Poitiers
  • The Park of mini castles
  • Golfs de Touraine, de la Gloriette and the Bluegreen Tours Ardrée

Visits to vineyards and cellars

We recommend you to visit the sites of our winegrowing partners whose ancestral work is particularly respectful (manual harvesting, organic vines...) :

* the cellars of the Domaine de Nicolas Paget, in Rivarennes
* the cellars of the Cathelineau family, in Chançay